Air pollution has the potential to damage our health and environment, and as such it is important for us to consider the air quality in the areas in which we live. The University of Stirling are working alongside the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and with support from Stirling Council, to organise a series of community-based workshop events across Stirlingshire.

These workshops are designed to empower local communities to take ownership of the air quality monitoring, information delivery and action within their local neighbourhoods.

Low-cost air quality sensors are being set up for the duration of this project in the villages of Aberfoyle, Doune and Deanston, Fintry, Kippen and Thornhill. These sensors record air quality pollutants associated with traffic movement and domestic heat combustion emissions. Village residents can also borrow small sensors to distribute across the village, measuring Particulate Matter. A measuring period of four weeks will be conducted across each village, along with the community-based workshops. The data will be fed back to the communities in the workshops during which participants will be asked to delve into the data and use their local knowledge to explore and explain the possible trends and potential sources.

As part of this project, SEPA have developed a visualisation tool which will allow residents to look at data recorded in their village, exploring some of the potential causes and drivers of local pollution events.

Stirlingshire Villages Projects - Air Data

This tool can be accessed here: Stirlingshire Villages Project - Air Quality

This page was added on 09 Feb 2023

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