This guide is for anyone involved in promoting and disseminating information about Scotland’s environment web and  / or the Scotland’s environment website.

Brand identity

The Scotland’s environment web brand identity is the visual representation of the Scotland’s environment initiative and website. The brand has been designed to work across a range of applications and products and should not be altered or modified in any way. By using the correct logos and colours, a strong consistent brand is established for Scotland’s environment web.

The Scotland’s environment web brand is available for the partners to use on their own websites, publications, presentations and promotional materials where information about any aspect of Scotland’s environment web is disseminated, communicated or promoted to internal and external audiences.

The term ‘Scotland’s environment web’ refers to the partnership and network of interconnected websites.

The term ‘Scotland’s environment website’ refers to the website

When referring to Scotland’s environment web in any external communication, the abbreviation ‘SEWeb’ should never be used.

Scotland’s environment web logo

The logo is the main element of the Scotland’s environment web brand identity. It is designed to convey the principal focus of the partnership, the initiative and the main website. It is important that it is used consistently throughout.

Copies of the logo are available in different formats by emailing a request to

The preferred logo is the full colour version (green and blue) on a white background. If necessary, when the background is dark, the green and white logo or the single colour (white) logo can be used as an alternative. The logo colours should never be replaced by other colours or reversed. The logo can be either linear or stacked.

Master logo

  Linear Stacked
Full colour on white background Scotland's environment web logo Scotland's environment web logo
Full colour on dark background Scotland's environment web logo Scotland's environment web logo
Single colour on dark background Scotland's environment web logo Scotland's environment web logo

Logo orientation, size and spacing

Please do not recreate the logo or alter it in any way. This includes the orientation and aspect ratio. When resizing, take care to lock the aspect ratio so that it is neither condensed nor expanded.

The logo should never be reproduced so small that the type is unreadable. The minimum acceptable size is 30mm x 19mm (223 x 140 pixels).

If a smaller logo is required, the Scotland’s environment leaves can be used on their own. Scotland’s environment web or the website should be referenced clearly in the accompanying text. As with the full logo, the colour of the leaves should never be reversed or replaced with other colours.

A clear space should be maintained around the logo at all times. As a minimum, this space should be the height of the letter ‘S’ in Scotland.

  Linear Stacked
Minimum size cotland's environment web logo - Minimum size
cotland's environment web logo - Minimum size
Spacing around logo cotland's environment web logo - Space around  Scotland's environment web logo - Space around
Scotland’s environment leaves Scotland’s environment leaves   


In addition to the logo, the website address should also be included on all Scotland’s environment web and website promotional and communications materials. The website address is as follows:

Partner identities

Scotland’s environment web is a multi-agency partnership. All products / applications on Scotland’s environment website are derived from data and information that has already been published. Partner organisations are encouraged to promote the initiative and the website wherever possible, and use the "Part of Scotland’s environment web" logo in conjunction with their own brand/identities, as considered appropriate.

  Linear Stacked
Full colour on white background Part of Scotland's environment web logo Part of Scotland's environment web logo
Full colour on dark background Part of Scotland's environment web logo Part of Scotland's environment web logo
Single colour on dark background Part of Scotland's environment web logo Part of Scotland's environment web logo

Scotland’s environment web colour palette

Brand colours

The brand colours of Scotland’s environment web are blue and green and should, wherever possible, appear on a white background. The brand colours can be achieved by using the Pantone colour references or by four-colour process.

Pantone 660 C  CMYK

C: 95%  M: 36% Y: 0% K: 25%


R: 10 G: 123 B: 191





Pantone 368 C  CMYK

C: 29%  M: 0% Y: 66% K: 23%


R: 140 G: 197 B: 66



Websafe #99cc33

Extended colour palette

In addition to the brand colours, there is an extended colour palette that can be applied to designed materials and on the Scotland’s environment website. This is as follows:

#001b48  CMYK C: 100% M: 63% Y: 0% K: 72% RGB R: 0 G: 27 B: 72
HEX #001b48 Websafe #0088be88aa-2dd2-47b1-85f0-66fb99f10c8d
#004581  CMYK C: 100% M: 47% Y: 0% K: 49% RGB R: 0 G: 69 B: 129
HEX #004581 Websafe #003399
#018abd  CMYK C: 99% M: 27% Y: 0% K: 26% RGB R: 1 G: 138 B: 189
HEX #018abd Websafe #0099cc
#97cbdc  CMYK C: 31% M: 8% Y: 0% K: 14% RGB R: 151 G: 203 B: 220
HEX #97cbdc Websafe #99cccc
#dd38f0  CMYK C: 8% M: 3% Y: 0% K: 6% RGB R: 221 G: 232 B: 240
HEX #dd38f0 Websafe #ccffff

Scotland’s environment web typefaces

When presenting Scotland’s environment web identity on any item that has been designed using design software the following typefaces should be used.

The brand typeface may not be available on all communication packages or platforms, for example Microsoft products. In these instances, a font or typeface similar to Open Sans should be used.

  Typeface Example
Logo Melbourne Melbourne font - Logo 
Headings, sub-headings and body text Open Sans Open Sans font - Headings, sub-headings and body text 

Social media

Social media is a key tool for sharing information about the content, data and resources available on Scotland’s environment website. View our social media policy to find out more.

This page was reviewed on 24 Oct 2018

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